Preventative Measures

MOGIT Coronavirus (COVID-19) Preventative Measures Video

COVID-19 Preventative Measures

Temperature screening before entering the centre.

All visitors to complex must be temperature checked by security on entering the facility. This is in addition to the temperature checks by Administration Staff outlined below.

All Staff and Delegates to be temperature checked on arrival at the training centre every morning and at lunch at the administration desk.

Delegates to be temperature checked as per procedure MOG-H-PR-004-EN and
results recorded on form MOG-A-FM-009-BL

Staff temperature AM and PM to be recorded on form MOG-A-FM-010-EN.

All forms to be retained for audit purposes until further notice.

No display of coronavirus symptoms (fever, cold, cough) within the last 48 hours.

Delegates screened as per procedure MOG-H-PR-004-EN and results recorded on form MOG-A-FM-009-BL

No known exposure to persons suspected to be infected with Covid-19.

Delegates screened as per procedure MOG-H-PR-004-EN and results recorded on form MOG-A-FM-009-BL.

No travel to or from any prohibited locations as per guidelines of the national authorities.

Delegates screened as per procedure MOG-H-PR-004-EN and results recorded on form MOG-A-FM-009-BL.

All travel currently prohibited for all staff. Guidelines from National Authorities to be followed.

Social Distancing In Classroom

Delegate Spacing at least 1.5 meters in every direction

Excess chairs to be removed from classroom. Desks and chairs to be placed at least 1.5 metres apart.

Trainer and Delegate Spacing at least 2 meters in every direction

Trainers to remain 2 metres from Delegates at all times. Floor to be marked with tape indicating trainer ‘safe area’ in all classrooms.

Theory Examination Spacing at least 1.5 meters in every direction

Excess chairs to be removed from classroom. Desks and chairs to be placed at least 1.5 metres apart.

Indoor Simulator At least 1.5 meters spacing.

Crane Simulator: Only one Delegate and one Training Staff member allowed inside simulator at any time. Both persons to wear masks at all times while in the simulator. MOGIT will conduct a feasibility study on installing external monitors for external viewing. Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC): Only one Instructor/Scenario Manager allowed in the Instructor room at any time. Only one Assessor allowed in the Assessor Suite at any time. Delegates to remain at their stations within the ECC room at all times. Delegates, Instructors and Assessors to wear masks at all times when in the simulator.

Social Distancing In Practical Ground Area

Individual Practice only and waiting delegates at least 2 meters spacing

All courses involving group exercises or close contact between Delegates to be restricted to a minimum of 2 metres contact distance. This will be assessed on a course by course basis by Operations as it is not possible to maintain 2 metres spacing during certain elements of training (group pool exercises, group self-rescue exercises etc).

A list of high-risk activities to be compiled by Operations and risk assessed by training dept.

Social Distancing In Canteen Area

Canteen Seat spacing at least 1.5 meters in every direction.

Chairs to be removed from inside canteen, one person per table. Outside seating to be made available, no more than two persons per table.

Meal or Buffet Line Only one in row and queued up by 1.5 meters spacing.

Buffet table to be moved to distance each food item 1.5m apart. Housekeeping to supervise Delegates at buffet station, allowing only one Delegate at a time at each station.

Classrooms, Canteen and Centre Surrounding Areas

Clean the Class Rooms every day after class by the non- toxic cleansing solvent/ Alcohol by spraying or sweeping method.

Cleaning to be recorded on a form. Form to be forwarded to management on a daily basis indicating cleaning tasks have been completed.

Clean Student Lounge and Toilets after registration, post break, post lunch and after class end of every day.

Cleaning to be recorded on a form. Form to be forwarded to management on a daily basis indicating cleaning tasks have been completed.

Clean the Center Surrounding every day after class.

Checklist of areas to be cleaned to be completed by Housekeeping Staff daily. Checklist to be forwarded to management on a daily basis indicating cleaning tasks have been completed.

Training Equipment and Facilities

Following the Training Procedure Manual and Cleaning checklist

All training equipment to be cleaned as per existing procedures after use.