OERTM: Offshore Emergency Response Team Member
This course aims to provide the basic theoretical knowledge and the necessary confidence and skills required to ensure an appropriate response to a fire emergency in a team environment.

Approved by TPTI
OERTM: Offshore Emergency Response Team Member
Course Overview
This course aims to provide the basic theoretical knowledge and the necessary confidence and skills required to ensure an appropriate response to a fire emergency in a team environment. A TPTI approved OERTM course (or approved equivalent) is a legal mandatory minimum for anyone performing ERT duties offshore in the Thai oil and gas industry. This certificate forms part of the Thailand national competency standard.
Who should attend
All Fire Team Members, Emergency Response Team Members and those personnel performing similar roles on offshore installations.
Physical and Stressful Demands
- Valid in-date OPITO BOSIET/FOET /HUET or TPTI BOST/FOT or recognised equivalent.
- Valid in-date offshore medical (Valid within 12 months)
Course Outline
By the end of the program, participants will have the knowledge to identify, list, describe and/or demonstrate:
- Chemistry of Fire
- Extinguishment
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fire Systems
- Self-Rescue
- Self-Personal Protective Equipment
- Emergency Response
- Introduction to Breathing Apparatus
- Confined Space Drills
- Fire Hoses/Systems
- Hose Layouts
- Fire Fighting Drills
TPTI certificate. Validity 2 years.
Written & Practical Assessments
Schedule, Class Size, Locations
Weekly Schedule:
Monday – Thursday
Min/Max Class Size:
- Laemchabang near Pattaya
- Songkhla, South Thailand